Resources For Teachers
 My goal for this WebQuest is that it will serve two purposes. First, to provide my 5th graders experience with the criteria used to evaluate websites and second, to provide a list of Missions' resources to use for a California Missions Resource Website.

The impetus for this idea was that so many of the websites about the Missions have good information but they do not list the sources used. I felt, since we are one of the few schools blessed with the opportunity to be at a Mission, that we should use our skills and experiences to create a website that could be used as a comprehensive resource for fourth grade teachers and students. The site is currently a work in process and I hope to have it finished by Spring of 2006.
 Web Evaluation QuestionnairesAdobe Icon
 Websites Used in Process Section
 Woodlands Junior School
QUICK-The Quality Information Checklist
Multnomah County Library
My Mission
 Photographs from:
 Carmel Mission Basilica
 Web Evaluation Resources for Teachers - Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators
 San Francisco Public Library - Evaluating Web Sites: A how-to guide for researchers.
 Standards Addressed
 California State Standards, Grade 5
 English/Language Arts
Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text
2.3 Discern main ideas and concepts presented in texts, identifying and assessing evidence that supports those ideas.
2.4 Draw inferences, conclusions, or generalizations about text and support them with textual evidence and prior knowledge.
Expository Critique
2.5 Distinguish facts, supported inferences, and opinions in text.
 California State Standards, Grade 6
 English/Language Arts
Writing Strategies
Compose documents with appropriate formatting by using word-processing skills and principles of design (e.g., margins, tabs, spacing, columns, page orientation).
 National Technology Standards (NETS)
 Grades 3 - 5
 Technology Category 6:
Technology problem-solving and decision-making tools.
Performance Indicator: Evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness, and bias of electronic information sources.

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